
The Occam’s Razor of Projects

Ever since I heard about it on Scrubs back in 2006, I’ve been obsessed with the idea of Occam’s Razor. According to Wikipedia, it’s the problem-solving principle that “entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity”, sometimes inaccurately paraphrased as “the simplest explanation is usually the best one.” Put another way, it’s the theory with the least amount of assumptions is the preferred…

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My Landing Page Checklist

Lately I’ve been building a bunch of landing pages for various projects, courses, and digital events. And ever since reading Marketing Made Simple by Donald Miller, I’ve been putting a lot more effort into them in hopes that they provide better information and convert. To make sure I cover everything I need to, here’s my check list.

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Creating a Responsive Gutenberg Price Table

Last week I worked on an upcoming tutorial for a popular online publication on how to style the Gutenberg Columns block (I’ll be sure to send that along when it comes out). As as result, I decided to experiment to see what you could reasonable do, and came up with this Gutenberg Price Table: https://codepen.io/jcasabona/pen/RYvEYd. In this tutorial, we’ll go over…

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An Event Apart Boston 2012

Last week I was afforded the opportunity to go to An Event Apart Boston, a conference I’ve wanted to attend for a few years now. I attribute most of what I know to the fine folks that run with that group, including Zeldman, Dan Cerderholm, Ethan Marcotte, and Luke Wroblewski, all of whom would be speaking. Now that the dust…