Mileage as a Tax Write Off

It’s not quite that time of the year, though this week (or at least part it) I will be fixing my books up to submit to my accountant. December 31st marks the end of the first official fiscal year for my business. That means I’ll be going over what I have documented, checking my receipts, and finding last minute expenses…


Google Web Toolkit

After I got back from Google I/O, I mentioned Google Web Toolkit was something they showed off that I was very impressed by. It allows you to build complete AJAX applications using Java. In one of my grad classes this semester, we had the opportunity to use Google Web Toolkit (GWT) on a semester long project. After using it I’ve…

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Use Google Docs to convert MS Works to Word

A lot of people who use Windows have access to Microsoft Works, Microsoft’s free ‘solution’ to Office. Today my brother asked me how he would convert a Works word processing document (.wps) to a Word document (.doc), since he did his homework using Works but didn’t have access to that at school- they only have Office. I have Works and…

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Updated: What Android Means for the iPhone

I could go on to talk about all of the nuances in Android, what I have seen and why I think it’s better than the iPhone, but I feel that would be an exercise in futility. Those in the iPhone camp will think what they want about the user interface (UI) and features no matter what. That goes the same…

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Social Networks and the Election (update)

It’s that wonderful time in America that comes around every four year: Presidential Election Season. This year, however, is very different from presidential elections of yore. While blogs changed the face of national elections in 2004, social networks are doing the same thing in 2008 (though they are being more bipartisan). Here is a brief list of some big online…


Cuil: First Impression

The buzz today has been about Cuil, a new search engine that is challenging the current champion of the interwebs, Google. Pronounced “cool,” Cuil makes the claim to have indexed more pages than Google, and in a better way too! That’s quite the claim, and IMHO, Cuil needs to heat up a bit (sorry). Even though I am pretty biased…

Flickr vs. Picasa

For the last couple of months I decided to try out Google’s solution to online photo albums, Picasa. I had originally been using Flickr. I found that with Picasa, strangely enough, I didn’t have as much freedom as I did with Flickr and when it came down to it, Flickr was a much better web app. The transfer (from Flickr->Picasa…


Google I/O Day 2

This is a continuation post from Google I/O Day 1. With a fresh perspective after the Day 1 sessions, I reworked my schedule to try and make the most of what Google I/O had to offer. The keynote for Day 2 was given by Marissa Mayer, which admittedly made me a little star struck. I read about her in The…


Google I/O: Day 1

When I first got to Google I/O I made note of a few things. “It’s like 85% male,” “Wow there are a lot of smart phones,” and “There are a lot more Macs here than I thought there would be.” Of course, once I was all checked in, settled and the keynote started, I was nothing less than blown away…