
My 2017 Learning Plan: Javascript Edition

So…I write about learning a lot. Turns out, I really love learning. I also like coming up with plans about learning, and telling you about them. The last one that went really well was the one I did in January 2014, when I learned Sass. But now that I’m no longer at an agency, I feel like pushing myself to learn is even more important because it’s not part of my daily routine; I don’t have amazing co-workers I can learn from anymore. So with that in mind, I came up with a learning plan for the next few months of 2017.

The big focus of this learning binge is evolving my skills again. Last time it was becoming better at WordPress and CSS through Sass. Now, it’s going to be Javascript focused.

Step 1: A New Dev Environment

Now seems like a good time to try a new tool for development. I’ve been hearing a lot of great stuff about Visual Studio Code, so I’m going to give that a whirl. Included in that is better development tools for linting, continuous integration, and debugging. I want to do more to be a more modern developer, using modern development tools.

Step 2: Wes Bos’ Node.js Course

I registered for Learn Node by Wes Bos when it launched, and it’s time to finally put the time in. I decided to learn Node first because it’s been recommended a lot, it’s really flexible, and it will be a really great way for me to become an all-around better Javascript developer. Plus, Wes is a great educator, so I can learn a thing or two from him to take to my own video courses.

Step 3: Vue.js

OH SNAP – I’m throwing down! There’s been much debate over using Vue vs. React. I’ve decided on Vue because it seems like there’s a lower barrier for entry and it will let me focus more on working with Javascript to make cool things, instead of spending a bunch of time getting my environment set up. It seems to be gaining in popularity, and I’m interested to learn why.

Step 4: WordPress Rest API App

Here’s the coup de grâce. The main reason I’m leveling up my Javascript skills is to do WordPress development different. That’s not to say there are other, perhaps even better, reasons. Being a general Javascript developer is the way forward for front end developers especially, but I still like working within the WordPress ecosystem. The last step of my learning plan is to make a neat WordPress/JS app. I have a few ideas.

I’m Excited!

I’m excited at the prospect of learning development for me again. I feel like I didn’t make enough time when I had a full time job because I’d work (and learn work stuff) and then at night I’d work on my own projects or spend time with my family (time well-spent). I’m dedicating Fridays to learning, and I’m documenting the process over on my YouTube channel.

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