
I’m Returning to the World of Full Time Self-Employment

Six years ago when I got a job at The University of Scranton, it was a little bittersweet. For 2 years following my Masters Degree, I was self-employed. The thing that lead me to look for a new job was that I was working out of my parents’ house, and honestly, time was running out on staying on their insurance plan….


Now Hosted by Liquid Web!

The Hosting field is an ever-changing landscape that requires constant evaluation to make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck…OK maybe that’s not necessarily true for most folks, but while transferring sites is a bit of a pain in the neck, I still like to make sure I have tried my fair share of web hosts so that…


Migrating WordPress Multisite from Media Temple to SiteGround

A few years ago, I wrote about domain mapping using WordPress Multisite on Media Temple. This year, I’ve been consolidating all of my hosted websites to a single SiteGround account and the very Multisite instance I wrote about needed to be moved over. I had been avoiding it but the time had come, especially since I was getting knocked for…

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Deleting 3 Million Spam Comments from a WordPress Database

Over at the Crowd Favorite blog, I wrote up a post about an interesting problem I solved recently. I laid out everything you need to know there, but it involves downloading a HUGE database and putting WP-CLI to good use. If you haven’t used it before and you do development with WordPress, it’s super valuable. Anyway, check out the post…