
Add Attachments to WordPress Search Results

I feel like this has to have been done a lot, and there are great plugins out there for it, but if you’re just looking to add a quick function to your theme (or a really simple plugin) yourself, here’s how to modify WordPress’ search query to include attachments (like images). function attachment_search( $query ) { if ( $query->is_search ) {…

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Quick Tip: User Level Themes for Client Site Reviews in WordPress

Recently I launched a couple of websites using WordPress and instead of using a temp directory for testing/client review, I used a plugin & theme instead. Using this technique I didn’t have to worry about moving directories, changing the WordPress directory/blog URLs,  or checking image sources in posts. Here’s how I did it.

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Quick Tip: Facebook Privacy Settings

Facebook, at their annual F8 Conference in San Fransisco, announced that they were expanding the reach of social networking to make it easier for 3rd party sites to access your information on Facebook. This sounds awesomely wonderful if you don’t care about the info you put online. A possible plus is full integration between your likes and related sites. Maybe…