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10 Android Apps the Make my Life Easier

It’s no secret that I love Android as a platform, and I favor Android phones over the iPhone. I did my Master’s Thesis on the G1, bought the Motorola Droid- the first Android phone available on Verizon, and recently upgraded to the HTC Droid Incredible. One of the reasons I like Android so much is because of the openness of…

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My Online Development Resources

Recently, I made it practice to keep my most important web development resources in my bookmarks bar in Google Chrome (which is awesome, because I also use Bookmark Sync). These aren’t my development tools of course (Coda on Mac, Notepad++ and Filezilla on PC, Photoshop on both), these are online resources I use on a regular basis. Click on to…

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Manage Email Correspondence with GMail

This seems like a silly title, since GMail is an email client and all. However, wouldn’t it be nice if you could have all of the conversations you’ve with with the same person in one place, at the click of a button? As it turns out GMail’s search and a labs function called Quick Links makes that very easy to…

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7 WordPress Plugins that Make Your Client’s Life Easier

WordPress is becoming an increasingly popular content management system on top of it’s popularity as a blogging system. More developers are choosing it as a solution to enable clients to update their own websites. And while WordPress out of the box is an excellent system, it could use a few tweaks to give most clients the freedom they need. Here…