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Safe Social Media Series

Inspired by this article on CNN, I’ll be doing a four part series about security and social media. The topics will all revolve around the dos and donts of your social media profiles- specifically for students and employees. I’ll be covering proper management of Twitter, Facebook, and your own blog. I’ll wrap up with some miscellaneous sites and practices.

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What Developers can learn from Home Improvement

It’s no secret that I love the show Home Improvement, especially if you know me personally or follow me on Twitter. As a freelancer I have the luxury of watching it everyday in the middle of the afternoon, and I got to thinking- there is a lot programmers and web developers can learn from Tim Taylor and his antics.


Useful Sites for Mobile Web

I remember a time where PDAs and smart phones were a sign of status- you were either a business man or a tech geek. Now smartphones and internet enabled phones are as ubiquitous as the air we breath (you like that?). As someone who spends a lot of time on the mobile web (or the web in general), I thought…

College Advice for my Brother

Tomorrow, my youngest brother Robby is going away to college. While I’ve had 2 other brothers go away, this is different. He’s going to Florida Tech, which is the furthest away, and with no friends (an experience I didn’t have). I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t being a little protective, but I think this is sound advice for…