Dodgeball – Good, Funny- 5

Let me tell you all something about movies, as im sure at least one will have a problem with me rating this movie as “Good”. Since there are different genres of movies, you cant rate every movie on the same scale. you have to look at what the movie intended to do, and then rate it. All movie look to entertain, therefore, obviously if it does not entertain you, well- its not good. But anyway, Dodgeball is a Comedy. Its sole purpose is to make you laugh. And well, if you dont laugh at this movie, you have no sense of humor. On to the review.

Dodgeball, for the most part, was predictable, which allows you to focus more on the comedy. There were alot of jokes, both Obvious and Subtle. Makes you need to see it again so u catch everything. Ben Stiller, Vince Vaugh, and the very beautiful Christine Taylor were all very good. The story was funny, and predictable. But mostly funny. There was seldom no laughter in the theater. Make Sure you stay till after the credits so you see the extra scene. Later!

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