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Senators and the Internet

I am glad Senators know what the are talking about…. Recently, I read a news story in which Sen. Ted Stevens (R- Alaska) states why he voted against Net Neutrality. For those who don’t know what is going on, part of the senate is trying to make it so a few big companies control in the internet. The Net Neutrality…

New Job

Tomorrow I start my new job as a XHTML/PHP Developer for a local company. While I don’t want to give any details about what/where/who it is (in fear of getting Dooced), I will say I am very excited/apprehensive. The summer before my senior year of college I am starting a job that has the potential to set me off on…


(No Image b/c their logos are copyright protected and they would most likely actually sue me…) An online company, Blue Hippo, trying to get the best of the not-so-tech-savvy. Of course, they didn’t take into account DiggNation. To break it down a little for you, You put $99 down on the desktop. Then pay $39.99/week for 52 weeks. That is…

Google Desktop 3

I don’t have it, but I plan on getting it. I am writing because I just got an email from my school stating that Google Desktop is ‘bad’. Google unveiled Google Desktop 3, a free, downloadable program that includes an option to let users search across multiple computers for files. To do that, the application automatically stores copies of files,…


Who needs Algebra?

This is the same question a Washington Post Article posed a few days ago. The conclusion basis for our author, Richard Cohen, was no, you do not. I found it very alarming that someone would write this and someone else who publish it. Then again, I can’t believe most of the stuff I see published these days. Mr. Cohen addresses…

One Image to rule them all

Or 2. Checking out my stats today I saw a lot of links I didn’t recognize, primarily My Space profiles. One site I found was hot linking an image for the cover of the fight club book. So I changed it to a nice Public Service Announcment. I did the same with the Yankees-Boston image from this post, which was…


Kerry and Statistics

KERRY: That’s terrific. But 53 percent of our children don’t graduate from high school. Kids don’t have after-school programs… I try to keep this blog non-political, I really do. But when people say stuff like that, I need to say something. 53%??? Where is God’s name is he getting this number?? Suitably Flip proved here that 53% is an outrageous…


The Super Size Me guy

The only reason I am witting about him now is because he is making “waves” in the news again. He is working on a new documentary: Morgan Spurlock, the brave soul who ate nothing but McDonald’s for one month and filmed it for his documentary Super Size Me, has announced that his next project will be The Republican War of…