
Employers and Colleges Asking to see Social Network Activity

This morning a read a story on MSNBC that got me all fired up: Govt. agencies, colleges demand applicants’ Facebook passwords. It talks about potential employers and schools asking for access to view facebook/twitter accounts either by logging in during an interview or by friending an official.  This is not OK; it shouldn’t be happening on any level and the fact that it’s…

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Why Everyone Would Pay $1 to use Facebook

My brother and I were having a discussion last night about Facebook and how Zuckerburg seems to have a ton of money, but it doesn’t seem like Facebook is generating anywhere near the amount of money it’s getting in venture capital (investor money). My brother cited ads, but ads don’t generate as much income as one would think, even with…

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My Thoughts on the iPhone 4 Press Conference

At the risk of starting a flame war (though I don’t think my readership is big or diverse enough to do so), I’d like to post my thoughts on the iPhone 4 Press Conference the Apple & good old Steve Jobs held today. Mostly because I like to show people (read: fanboys) that Apple isn’t any different from Microsoft, but…

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On Net Neutrality

Since Tuesday’s Court Appeals ruling repealing the FCC’s ruling that Comcast (and other Broadband service providers) could not limit their bandwidth to certain websites or services, and thus keep the Internet free and open, there as been a lot of talk about what exactly this means for big companies and for us, the consumers. I weighed in on this almost…

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Programming Humor

A woman asks her husband, a programmer, to go shopping: Wife: Dear, please, go to the nearby grocery store to buy some bread. Also, if they have eggs, buy 6. Twenty minutes later the husband comes back bringing 6 loaves of bread. His wife is flabbergasted: Wife: Dear, why on earth did you buy 6 loaves of bread? Husband: They…

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My Open Response to “Geeks drive girls out of computer science”

This morning I read this article, citing that geeks and geekiness may be the reason there are less women than men in Computer Science. Here is my open response to the author. I recently read your article on MSNBC about how geeks may be the reason girls don’t get into computer science, citing among other things a flawed study placing…