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I came across a story today with the headline How your smartphone’s battery life can be used to invade your privacy. I only read part of it, but I assume it’s completely sensational nonsense. So for today’s post, I’d like to make up some more sensation headlines about privacy. Using deeply personal device that is constantly connected to Internet may…

Social Media More Addictive than Cigarettes and Alcohol. Really?

BRG is reporting this morning that a new study suggests Facebook and Twitter are more addictive than cigarettes or alcohol. The way the study was set up is Blackberry users were polled several times a day, asking what they wanted to see in the last 30 minutes; they were also asked to rate their own desire. I really don’t like studies…

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Why iTunes Proves Apple is Only in it to Make Money

I know what you’re going to say; “All companies want to make money.”  As a red-blooded, meat-eating, American capitalist, I think that’s a good thing. But there seems to be a thought among computer nerds (and most Apple product users) that Apple is the white light to Microsoft’s Eye of Sauron (sorry…I recently watched Lord of the Rings). That simply…