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Have a Business Plan

Since August I’ve come up with or have launched a number of side projects in hopes of increasing revenue streams so I’m not as busy during the school year. Unfortunately, I’ve left out one “minor” detail with these- a business plan. This doesn’t have to be in the form of an official, written plan that you’d submit for funding (but…

Take Advantage of Being a Student Business Owner

As I continue to earn my business chops while still enjoying the luxury of being a student, I’ve realized some ways to really take advantage of being both. Make Student Expenses Business Expenses As long as you are in the same field for both your business and your major, any school expenses can be considered business expenses- tuition, books, supplies,…

Increasing Revenue Streams

Freelance Switch wrote on this a while back, but this summer it’s been a goal of mine. Since my junior year of college, I’ve freelanced every long break in lieu of getting a ‘real’ (read: 9-5) job, but have stuck strictly to contract jobs and what amounted to (in most cases) one time shots. I’ve always had a bunch of…

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Why Amazon Mp3 Will Get People to Pay for Music Again

I’m a little bit surprised I haven’t written about Amazon Mp3 before as I use it quite frequently. My main grip about services like iTunes, the Zune Marketplace, Napster, Ruckus, and nearly every other digital music outlet is that their songs are protected by some form of Digital Rights Management (DRM). You can only transfer them x number of times….


Always Going

During the school year, I was very busy. Between running the business, TAing, and well, actual classes, there wasn’t a lot of free time. But I made due. I worked on weekends but made sure to take time for myself. I thought things would slow down a bit in the summer. No classes to teach or attend- just the business….

Starting a DBA in New York

It was about 10 years ago that I first said I wanted to start my own business. By the ripe old age of 15, I got my first client for a website and have been freelancing ever since. Today I made it official in New York State by filing a “Doing Business As” (DBA) form. As a sole proprietor, you…


On Writing Email

Email correspondence is my normal and most practiced form of communication because of the convenience for both parties. It allows you to quickly send a message to someone and know (in most cases) they will get it the next time they check their inbox. I feel it’s also better than instant messaging or phone conversations in some instances because it…