
Finding Originality

In a world with mash-ups, open source, and the Internet, it’s pretty tough to find an original project- something that has not already been done. For instance, I’ve thought of many projects that have already been done, most notably something similar to Facebook. About three months before Facebook got popular, my friend Steve Mekosh and I started planning what we…

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Comcast Sucks

Recently (after I left school for Christmas, but before I got back on Jan. 2nd), all Adelphia customers were switched to Comcast’s service, as Adelphia was bought out by Comcast. From the time I got back, the internet was noticeably slower, but I thought at first it was my router, which has also been functioning incorrectly. However, I got the…

The Business: Finances

One of the things I want to do more of in 2007 is blog about my business. How I manage it, problems I encounter, and some tools I use to help me. With the redesign, I will have a page that showcases some articles of mine (much like Alex King), and series will be there. Today, since it is the…



As a developer, you will get the occasional client that specifically requests flash elements on their site. Me being more of a coder than a graphics guy, I need an easy to use [cheap] flash application that can help me out. That application is SwishMax. At $100, SwishMax is your best bet for easy to use at that price. It…


Time Management

Since school has started I have had less time for well, a lot of things. Most things, as it turns out. However, the thing about being a small business owner who is still in school is that you still have a client base you need to keep- no matter what obligations you have. To keep it professional, you must still…


Tick Time Tracker

LifeHacker is a resource of infite knowledge. While reading the site today, I came across their write up on a site called Tick. This is a web-based, very AJAXy application that helps you budget your time spent on projects by allowing you to make Clients (or subjects) and then add projects you are doing. You then input an over-all time…

The Business: Getting Clients

And now part 3 of my mutliple part series about my business, JLC Web Design. Often times people (fellow web developers or friends) ask me how I get clients. Of course the most important thing for a business to do is develop a client base or a niche. Select who you want to market to, who you want your clients…

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dXc Ramp Builders

Recently my brother had a skate ramp built in our back yard, and the company who did it, dXc Ramp Builders, did a great job on it. It’s sturdy, pretty big and put together well. My brother loves it. To check out pictures of it, you can go here. To contact dXc Ramp Builders, you can call 845-692-9589 or check…