
Add IE Conditionals to wp_enqueue_style

When creating a WordPress theme, it’s best practice to use wp_enqueue_style for adding all stylesheets, including style.css. At first glance, this can pose a challenge if you want to conditionally include CSS based on the browser (like IE-only styles, for example). Luckily, there is a quick way to do this in WordPress using $wp-styles: global $wp_styles; wp_enqueue_style( ‘jlc_ie_styles’,get_template_directory_uri() . ‘css/ie-style.css’,…

Quick Tip: Check to See if a Slug Exists in WordPress

Recently I was doing some work where I was importing RSS entries into a Custom Post Type in WordPress. Since there were no common IDs between the feed and WordPress, to prevent duplicate entries I tried comparing titles. This also proved to be an issue as titles aren’t always unique, and they weren’t in this case. I settled on comparing…

Good Books for Web Development

I’m teaching a couple of web development classes this semester and have been receiving a lot of questions as to what books would serve as good resources. Here’s a short list, starting with the ones I’ve chosen for my classes. HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites: This is possibly the best book I’ve used for HTML and CSS. It is…

My Slides from PABUG 2012

Here you go! My slides from my talk, “Using PHP to Create a Web-­Based Mobile Banner Application” from @PA_BUG are available for download (links to my Public Dropbox folder). There is also a link to our current mobile app.  Thanks to everyone who came out, and to PABUG for having me! Slides (pdf) Slides (ppt) Mobile Web App If you…