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Announcing WP Learning Paths

Someone entering the WordPress space today may not know where to start, either with what to specialize in, or how to learn the skills. As a result, I wanted to create a simple resource for people to see what paths the can go down when it comes to learning WordPress, and where they can learn that craft. Today, I’m excited to announce WP Learning Paths.

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Why I’m Switching from WooCommerce Memberships to LearnDash Groups

Last week on the (hopefully) weekly Live Stream, I explored LearnDash Memberships through groups. And while I struggled a bit – I went in totally cold – towards the end I discovered a fantastic integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions that solved one of my problems. That solution allows me to eliminate custom code and lighten my website quite a bit.


Recommitting to Udemy

Nearly two years I was contacted by Udemy to develop a custom WordPress theme course for them in an effort to refresh their offerings. They told me a number of things, like how much money I could make and what it would mean for me as a featured instructor. They didn’t tell me how to play their game. Like how…


My 2018 Learning Plan

Every so often I like to come up with a learning plan for the year/month/week. Last year’s didn’t work out the way I hoped for a number of reasons (like having a baby, and going solo). But this year I’m doubling my efforts and came up with a plan where I set aside at least 5 hours every week to…

What Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Taught me About Teaching

If you’ve been reading my blog for a long time, you already know I love Disney. Now that I have a daughter, I’m super excited to introduce her to this world that brought me so much joy as a child, and continues to today. We’ve started watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the morning, and while she’s too young to really…

5 Things to Consider when Creating an Online Course

Think about the last conversation you had via text or phone. Now think about the last conversation you had in person or via video. Consider the differences. How well were you able to pick up tone or meaning? Were there subtle communications you missed over the phone that you likely would have picked up in person? How much is lost…