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Using Hackathons to Learn

On Wednesday, June 18th, I will begin hosting weekly coding sessions (or short hackathons) in Downtown Scranton. You can read more about them here. There have been a lot questions on what to expect, what people should be doing, and how the sessions will be structured. It’s important to remember that these sessions will really be a way for programmers,…

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Announcing 1085 & a Beginner’s WordPress Workshop

When the weekly coding sessions were announced, I also alluded to courses, or workshops, that will be taking place at the Launch Pad in Downtown Scranton. I’m very excited  to announce the first one, as well as the venture behind it. First, the Workshop: This is one that’s been requested to me personally a few times so I wanted to make…


My One Month Learning Plan

I have a confession to make. Lately I’ve felt like my skills have been slipping, or at least stagnating. Part of it is because I’ve been so busy, but part of it is because of feeble excuses like, “I’ve been so busy.” This year I’ve resolved to do a whole bunch of things, including learn more. Before I WordCamp Phoenix, I…

Announcing the TIL Podcast

A while back, I bought the domain http://tilpodcast.co somewhat on a whim. I had just started listening to podcasts and felt this would be a good theme for one, whatever the that theme may be.  I thought of doing something tech or web development related, but those are a dime a dozen. So I still needed a solid idea for…

Offering WordPress Workshops

An idea I had a while ago, around the time I moved back to Scranton, was to offer a WordPress workshop that would show people how to use the platform and possibly how to develop on it. Recently I was approached by some people who were interested in something similar. Now, how to use and develop are two vastly different…

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What I Learned in College

Over at Nettuts, they’ve posted an article titled, “Should You Attend University for Web Development”. Reading the article, I found it pretty interesting that a lot of people feel college isn’t necessary for web development and that their schools are behind the times when it comes to web development. I’m not going to defend my school and say it’s totally…


Learning a new Skill

Recently I took it upon myself to learn JQuery. I’m toying with the idea of a redesign of both this site and my company’s site, and would like to do some cool stuff. I’ve written before on learning a new programming language but not new skills in general. I’m a big fan of the “learn by doing” approach. The web…