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Eliminating Slack as a Distraction to Work Better

One of my goals is to read 21 books this year, and I’m doing super well so far. After finishing the super dense (and very thought provoking) Homo Deus, I’m flying through It Doesn’t Have to be Crazy at Work. While the hubris of Jason Fried used to drive me crazy, I’ve read all of his and DHH’s books, and…

My 2018 Summer Reading List

Well, Memorial Day Weekend is inexplicably here, and so is the unofficial start of Summer here in the states. The weather has been nice and I’ve been spending nights on my poach reading (when the Yankees aren’t on, of-course). I also feel more excited than usual for our annual vacation to the beach. So I’ve decided to publish my 2018…


My 2018 Learning Plan

Every so often I like to come up with a learning plan for the year/month/week. Last year’s didn’t work out the way I hoped for a number of reasons (like having a baby, and going solo). But this year I’m doubling my efforts and came up with a plan where I set aside at least 5 hours every week to…

2017 Summer Reading List

I’ve been trying to read more – and to that end, more fiction. I read 15 books last year (better than my one-per-month goal) and all were non-fiction except one. So this year, I’m committing reading more books (18) and more fiction (6). Here’s what I’ve got on the docket as we go into the summer.


Favorites of 2015

2015 has been an interesting year for me. It’s my last year as a single man, I’ve launched a couple of side projects, traveled around a bit, and challenged myself a lot! I’m happy to say I’ll continue to do that and so much more in 2016! But for now, here are my favorites for another year 🙂

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100 Words 027

I’m getting the itch to write another book. It’s been about 2 years since I really got into the groove of writing Responsive Design with WordPress and about a year and a half since it came out. I’ve been kicking around a lot of ideas to coincide with other projects I’m working on, including 100 Words and TIL Podcast. Perhaps a book of…

Summer Reading

Admittedly, I have not been reading as much as I ‘d like to this year. I was hoping to read 2 books a month; unfortunately I started more than I’ve finished. That is, up until last weekend when I went to the beach. I managed to read 3 books over the course of 4 days. Allow me to tell you about them. Note: There are…