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100 Words 009

I’ve been trying to read more; it isn’t working out the way I had hoped, but I’m still making the effort. I have started at least 3 books without finishing them, but right now I’m reading Gumption by Nick Offerman. I loved Paddle Your Own Canoe and couldn’t wait for the follow-up title by Ron Swanson. It’s 21 essays about great Americans and how…


Favorites of 2014

Another year has come and gone which means it’s time for another list of favorites. It’s been a great year personally; I started a new job and got engaged, traveled a bunch and made a lot of new friends. There were also a whole lot of great movies, media, and tech. Here are my favorites.


A Year of Responsive Design with WordPress

A little over a year ago, my second book (and the first one to actually be in book stores) came out. It’s called Responsive Design with WordPress and it’s all about how to leverage WordPress to create responsive themes. It’s been an incredible year and I wanted to talk about two things: what has happened since the book’s release, and what’s coming in the…

Some of my Favorite Books

Over at Coalwork we discussed starting a book club for the members. We’re still working out the details and getting interest, but it got me thinking of what books I would recommend to the group as well as ones I want to read. I’ve decided to compile a short list here.


Building Web Apps with WordPress

I just finished reading up a book that was co-written by my friend Jason Coleman called Building Web Apps with WordPress. I picked it up because while I’m generally good at developing themes, I know there were some things I was missing- types of code, optimizations, plugin best practices, etc. I wanted to improve my WordPress skills and I felt this…


Announcing The Web Designer’s Guide to Google Glass (ebook)

Over the summer of 2013 I managed to get into the Google Glass Explorers program and got my hands on a set for myself. After using it for a while, especially spending time in the browser, I realized that this can (and likely will) change the way people will browser the web; Glass is only one of many pieces of…