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Learning HTML and CSS (with My New Book, Out Now!)

I’ve always been a learn-by-doing kind of guy. Maybe it’s because I’m thinking about other things when something is explained to me, or maybe people are bad at explaining things. But either way, a concept doesn’t really sink in until I do it, or until I see an immediate application for it. When I learned HTML and CSS, I learned…


Add IE Conditionals to wp_enqueue_style

When creating a WordPress theme, it’s best practice to use wp_enqueue_style for adding all stylesheets, including style.css. At first glance, this can pose a challenge if you want to conditionally include CSS based on the browser (like IE-only styles, for example). Luckily, there is a quick way to do this in WordPress using $wp-styles: global $wp_styles; wp_enqueue_style( ‘jlc_ie_styles’,get_template_directory_uri() . ‘css/ie-style.css’,…


Quick Tip: Use Post or Page Slug as CSS Class in WordPress

I don’t know why, but for some reason, I thought WordPress already included the slug of a post or page in either the function body_class() or post_class(). Doing some work over this weekend I realized that’s not the case, but luckily, it’s very easy to do. The functions body_class() and post_class() serve as a way for you to easily customize…


My One Month Learning Plan

I have a confession to make. Lately I’ve felt like my skills have been slipping, or at least stagnating. Part of it is because I’ve been so busy, but part of it is because of feeble excuses like, “I’ve been so busy.” This year I’ve resolved to do a whole bunch of things, including learn more. Before I WordCamp Phoenix, I…

Good Books for Web Development

I’m teaching a couple of web development classes this semester and have been receiving a lot of questions as to what books would serve as good resources. Here’s a short list, starting with the ones I’ve chosen for my classes. HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites: This is possibly the best book I’ve used for HTML and CSS. It is…