
Can You Go 2 Hours without a Screen Every Day?

When I was down in Florida, my brother and our friends told me about something they started doing every day: 2 Hours of No Screen Time. The idea is that for 2 hours every day, they forget about their phones, their computers, the TV, and any other screen they otherwise spend too much time in front of. Instead, they do something…

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WordPress Database Encoding & the Case of Disappearing Widgets

Recently I was updating the widgets on my homepage to promote the new WP in One Month. I decided to do so with the logo and a caption, making Jetpack’s Image Widget the perfect candidate. I uploaded the logo, added a title, then copy and pasted the text from the website’s ‘Jumbotron’ area for the caption. I clicked ‘Save’ and something…

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2015 Gift Guides

It has become a bit of a time-honored tradition for me to do gift guides around the holidays. This year I decided instead of making yet another post, I’ll create this page and child pages that I can update each year. I have some big plans for when I (finally) redesign this site, but for now, check ’em out: Great Gifts…

Up Your Power Game with these Hisgadget Inc. Chargers

If you’ve purchased a power bank charger or USB outlet from Amazon, there’s a solid chance the devices came from Hisgadget Inc. They have quite an extensive catalog of products to make sure you’re always fully charged at home and on the go. I recently had the opportunity to play with two of those products: the Intocircuit Power Castle Dual USB Portable Charger &…


2 Months with an iPhone

I wrote perhaps my most popular blog post ever just over 2 months ago. I talked about how I bought, used, and subsequently didn’t like the iPhone 6. I would be sticking with Android…or so I thought. Shortly after that post got popular, I was compelled to take another look at iOS.


2 Weeks with an iPhone 6

I’m pretty vocal about my feelings for the iPhone and iOS devices in general. I don’t like them; I think they are too locked down and that they aren’t as feature-rich an Android devices. However, as I should have an iOS device to test on and there are a few seemingly good things about iOS, I decided to get an…

Predictions for 2015

In the last of my old year/new year posts, I want to talk about some things I think will happen in 2015 (technology-wise). It seems like every year, tech is getting better but there’s a few things that I think will really take the cake this year.