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Great Tech Gifts 2010

This is something I’ve wanted to become more consistent with, as I usually post these lists sporadically and at poor times. I figure Black Friday is a good day to settle on this type of post, since it is the official start of Holiday Shopping. Amazon Kindle: This is number one on my list of recommendations. E-Readers have been around…

Tis the Season for Video Games

When I started playing video games again in September, it was after almost a year of not playing (I’m back on wagon?). In my defense, there was a lot of great video game going-ons this season. Between the tried and true Xbox 360 and their online environment, and the newly priced Ps3, there is a wealth of choices for the…

A very techie christmas…

I had fun this christmas. Spent some time with my bros and the fam. The rest of the fam comes over tomorrow. Anyway, i know that you guys are looking for stuff to spend that christmas money on, so here you go. The Rio Carbon– an MP3 Player that holds 5GB of songs. That is alot of songs. I have…