
Favorites of 2010

Happy New Years Eve! As tradition for the last couple of years, here is a list of my favorites from 2010. Favorite Tech Toy: Amazon Kindle. Competition was pretty stiff this year with all of the new gadgets I got- an iPad, a new Macbook Pro, and most recently, the HTC Incredible. I also broke from choosing my cell phone…

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Great Tech Gifts 2010

This is something I’ve wanted to become more consistent with, as I usually post these lists sporadically and at poor times. I figure Black Friday is a good day to settle on this type of post, since it is the official start of Holiday Shopping. Amazon Kindle: This is number one on my list of recommendations. E-Readers have been around…

The Social Network

Over the weekend I saw The Social Network and after reading the book it was based off of, I was pretty excited. Any story that combines business and super smart technology moguls is pretty much a guaranteed win for me. So how did the movie measure up? Let’s find out.

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My Thoughts on Sparrow

Sparrow is a Mac only desktop email client specifically for GMail. They way they describe it on their website  is this way: Sparrow is a minimalist mail application for Mac. It was designed to keep things simple and efficient. No fancy stuff here… just your mail and nothing else. I decided to take it for a spin; I’m not a…