
Quiet for too long…

I would like to precede this post by saying that in the past, I have mentioned I do not like to talk politics on this site. But I realize if I keep saying that, it’s kind of void. I still maintain that it will not be often. This is primarily a computer/tech blog. However, it is my blog and I…


Kerry and Statistics

KERRY: That’s terrific. But 53 percent of our children don’t graduate from high school. Kids don’t have after-school programs… I try to keep this blog non-political, I really do. But when people say stuff like that, I need to say something. 53%??? Where is God’s name is he getting this number?? Suitably Flip proved here that 53% is an outrageous…

CKY in Concert

I’d like to start off with a post from the last time I saw CKY, in 2003. This is from my half-assed static blog, before I even knew what PHP (or CSS) was… Tuesday, March 4, 2003…6:30am Wow- Im tired. The cKy concert was fucking amazing. The were awesome. The whole night was- afterwards Greg Terlekey got a guitar pick,…


It seems to be the buzz word on blogs and news sites today, so I guess I’ll throw in my 2 cents as well. Scranton got dumped on yesterday, starting with snow at around 2pm, turning to ice then rain throughout the night. While I usually Love snow, this time it was unappreciated. For one, it prevented me from going…


Google Print

Google has a new service out called Google Print. Well apparently, Google is being sued over it for copyright infringement. After reading a letter Kottke posted on his site, I’m going to have to agree with the writer and most of the people on the internet. When you go to the library to take out a book, you are reading…

I am not this bad….

So I read an article on Engadget stating that a clinic in China just opened for the internet addicted. Symptoms include shakes, unwillingness to work with others and insomnia. Despite what people tell you, I am not that bad…..Later!