
Moving my Podcast Process to Notion from Airtable

I’ve begun the process of moving my entire operation from Airtable to Notion, and while most of it has been smooth sailing, soon I’m starting what will likely be the most difficult move: my podcast production process. I’ve walked through various parts of the process, like booking guests, but Airtable is basically the brain of the operation, touching every part…


When Do You Burn All of Your Processes Down and Start Over?

It’s been quite a week, my friend. Last week I started to feel sick, undoubtedly catching the plague my children have had for the past 2 weeks. I was the last one to fall. Happily, I’m feeling better, but my entire week was thrown into disarray. And it’s during the disarray that you see the cracks in your processes. While…


Testing a post-roll Ad for my newsletter

I’ve been thinking a lot about podcast calls to action lately. I even talked about it on my new daily podcast, Podcast Workflows. Increasingly, I feel my stance on a pre-roll CTA, before you deliver any value, is bad. It’s like asking for the sale before someone knows who you are. It’s like asking blind date. Some people are OK…


Exploring Calendar Scheduling Alternatives

I’ve faced a few calendar-related frustrations this week, from not realizing meetings were declined, to wanting to set up a Calendly link that added a meeting to something other than my default calendar. Turns out you can’t do that in Calendly. In-fact, I’ve been increasing disappointed in what Calendly does vs. what alternatives to. So I might be switching —…


I’m Switching From Canva Back to Photoshop

As I write this, I’m listening to the new blink-182 album, One More Time. It’s their first album with the original lineup since 2011. A truly excellent birthday present. Earlier this week I made the decision to ditch Canva for Adobe Photoshop. There were a few contributing factors: This rest of this post is for members-only. Sign up here My…

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Using AI as a Fact Checker

As I reviewing my continually dwindling LinkedIn Learning royalties, I noticed that my latest course is officially out: Generative AI for Podcasters. I had a blast creating this course, and am hopeful it will be a boon to my recurring revenue. Something I didn’t really discuss in the course is how I’m using AI to assist in research and fact…

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SOP for Publishing my Daily, Mini Podcast

I like to imagine that when Thomas Jefferson finished writing the Declaration of Independence, he sat back in the swivel chair he invented, smiled, and sighed a big sign of relieve. The same thing goes for when Walter Cronkite finished his first TV broadcast, JK Rowling finished Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and Simone Biles stuck the landing…


Using a Mac mini as an Automation Server

A warm welcome to Sheryl and Scott, our newest members! One of my biggest frustrations as an automator is reconciling iOS — my preferred mobile platform — with web apps. I wrote about it at the beginning of the month. Since then, I learned that Pushcuts, an iOS/iPadOS app that deftly bridges this gap, but requires you to have an…


Automating Lead Tracking with Calendly and Notion

Since writing to you about me not using Notion, I’ve been using Notion. A lot. Something weird clicked for me a couple of weeks into using it, and I “get” how it works a little better (shout out to my friend Cat Mulvihill for her help there). So I’ve been using it for Cashflow tracking, products, family stuff (where I…