
100 Words 013

I missed yesterday’s post so today might be a two-for. As a short followup to a blog post I made a few weeks ago regarding the iPhone, I was convinced to use it a little longer. I have gotten used to the phone a bit and have noticed some improvements along the way. It seems iOS 8.3 has added something…


100 Words 012

Writing is hard! Sure, knocking out 100 words here and there about some topic is relatively easy, but I mean really writing. Over the weekend I wrote a 3000+ word article for a publication that I’ll be able to announce later this summer. It took me the better part of a working day to do it. Here’s why. It’s not just, “write.”…


100 Words 011

In under a year, I am getting married and moving to Allentown, PA to start a wonderful life with my best friend and favorite person. Because of that, I have been clearing house in my apartment. Bet you didn’t see that coming, did you? Since my freshman year of college, I’ve stayed in this apartment longer than any other place, and stuff…


100 Words 010

WordCamp Scranton is coming together nicely after a bit of a rocky start. We have generous sponsors, a solid speaker lineup, amazing volunteers, and a pretty stellar announcement coming up. Planning this event is taking me back to college, being on USPB and all of the details involved in putting together a big event. Stressful but fun is a sentiment…

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100 Words 009

I’ve been trying to read more; it isn’t working out the way I had hoped, but I’m still making the effort. I have started at least 3 books without finishing them, but right now I’m reading Gumption by Nick Offerman. I loved Paddle Your Own Canoe and couldn’t wait for the follow-up title by Ron Swanson. It’s 21 essays about great Americans and how…


100 Words 008

Tuesday I went to a live recording of my favorite podcast, Stuff You Should Know. It was about Public Relations & the inventor of it (and bad guy), Edward Bernays. I recommend you listen to it when it comes out because it was super interesting; Bernays was, as Josh put it, an evil genius. Some of take ways from the show:…


100 Words 007

Recently something I posted back in November resurfaced: Have a Daily Schedule when Working from Home. It was thanks to this tweet, hashtagged #millennials Have a Daily #Schedule when #Working from Home http://t.co/4qRNPTABCQ via @jcasabona #millennials — Chelsea Krost (@ChelseaKrost) June 22, 2015 I fit in the age group, but I was never very fond of the term nor do I…


100 Words 006

Is it, ‘$30 good’? We live in an interesting world where apps, likely because there is not physical product just a download, are expected to be cheap or free. Video games are still $60 a shot, but an app that will make you more productive is $30 and it gets questioned. I asked that very question recently when looking at…


100 Words 005

Highrise HQ (from the former 37signals) has a new app for the iPhone. When I was freelancing, and even at the University, I was big into the 37signals Suite – Basecamp, Highrise, Campfire, & Backpack. Now that I do considerably less side work, the price just isn’t worth it. I still need a way to keep organized, so I’m going…


100 Words 004

This is the first weekend where I’m not traveling in a while. It’s also the only one where I’m not busy for a while – somehow even though I promise myself I’m going to take some time to relax, I manage to galavant. Part of it is I like traveling and doing things in general. I spent last weekend at WordCamp…