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Check Out these WordCamp Miami Speakers Before the Conference!

Back in December I published the WordCamp US Speakers that have been on my podcast. This weekend I’m heading to WordCamp Miami, so I’ve decided to continue the tradition. WordCamp Miami has a killer lineup of speakers, and there are quite a few that have been on my podcast. If you’re heading to the conference and want to learn a…

Tying ROI to Conferences

As I start to plan my travel for 2019 (something I should have done in December), I’m thinking a lot about where I want to spend my time and money, and what will be the best for my bottom line. In general I try to tie real, tangible dollars to the conference I go to (in most cases). Because I’m…


Heading to WordCamp US? Listen to These Speakers Ahead of Time!

I’ve been lucky to have some fantastic guests on my podcast, How I Built It (over 100, in fact)! Many of them are active in the WordPress space, and a select few will be speaking at WordCamp US this weekend. If you’re traveling to Nashville, take some time and listen to them talk shop with me. Whether you’re stuck in…


5 Ways I’m Improving my Affiliate Program

Affiliate programs can be one of the best ways to drive traffic and sales to your products. Mobilized affiliates can become your best advocates. In recent months I’ve been working to improve my own affiliate program to make sure my affiliates are energized about Creator Courses as well as informed about what’s going on. Here are 5 ways I’m working…

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6 WordPress Plugins for Your Podcast Website

WordPress is certainly the most popular CMS in the world, powering over 30% of the web. It also powers all sorts of websites, from blogs to giant e-commerce stores and everything in between. This includes podcast websites. However, recently I attended Podcast Movement, a fantastic podcasting conference, and discovered that many podcasters struggle with creating their own website. While there…