How Do We Best Teach Programming to Beginners?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how I teach. I tend to take a “learn by doing” approach in my online courses where there are very clear, step-by-step instructions completed via video. However, this format gets pretty tough to execute in other contexts. For example, I teach an online graduate course for the University of Scranton, which is primarily…

What Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Taught me About Teaching

If you’ve been reading my blog for a long time, you already know I love Disney. Now that I have a daughter, I’m super excited to introduce her to this world that brought me so much joy as a child, and continues to today. We’ve started watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the morning, and while she’s too young to really…


Announcing WP in One Month

I’m passionate about is teaching. I speak at conferences, write tutorials and books, developed and teach courses. Last week, An Event Apart hosted a Front End Development Round Table and the question, “What makes a senior developer,” came up. The general feeling was someone who can do and teach makes a senior developer. This reinforced what I already thought: teaching…

Have Empathy When Teaching

I was recently having a discussion with a fellow WordPresser on the topic of teaching and she raised a very good point. I’ve noticed with people…that they forget what they didn’t know in the beginning. This is not only a fantastic point (and something I have been guilty of), but it’s a bit of a problem for people who teach,…


100 Words 014

There’s drama in the WordPress community today, which happens about monthly seeming on the last day of the work week. Today’s is about being polite when shooting people down. This tweet by friend & instigator Ryan Duff is a good starting point. The problem is many coders think: They are smarter than everyone. Everyone should know what they know. During…

Don’t Fear the Learning Curve

One scene in a movie that I will always remember is from The Matrix. Neo, finally disconnected from the Matrix, is learning new skills by having them ‘uploaded’ to his brain. The culmination of the scene is when he famously says to Morpheus, “I know Kung-Fu,” and they fight. I think about how great it would be to learn this way;…