
On Net Neutrality (2014)

There’s been a lot of hubbub about Net Neutrality again lately now that Obama has officially come out in support of it (something he supported when he ran in 2008, then seemed to not when he appointed Tom Wheeler to chair the FCC in 2013). This week I put together some notes for my students to review so that next…

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Obama Wins Nobel Prize

About a month ago, I wrote about what has happened to this country since 9/11. It’s not good; nobody has respect for those who think differently. There is no longer, “I respectfully disagree.” It’s more like, “You disagree, so you must be wrong. All the time. For everything.” That couldn’t be more apparent this morning, when news that President Obama…

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Earmarks = Greediness

Roland Martin, with his never ending fountain of wisdom, has another commentary on CNN, this time scrutinizing John McCain for speaking out again earmarks. He claims that no one cares about pork barrel spending. That if people really care we will do something about it. I guess he did some pretty substantial research on this topic, though he doesn’t present…


Inaguration Day Thoughts

Reflecting back, President Bush is the only president I can remember on a day to day basis. I remember some stuff from Bill Clinton, but I was young and pretty apathetic. I got into politics while Bush was in office, and became an adult while Bush was in office. And I honestly want to say what I don’t think enough…