Create Better Looking Videos and Live Streams

Helpful Videos

Not sure how to plan and layout your content strategy?

Get these free content planners with Airtable. These bases for both podcast and YouTube planning with help you log ideas, stay organized, and keep your content production moving!

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What to buy

Getting the Right Gear

Getting a good recording setup can be expensive if you’re not sure where to look or what to get. Here are two different setups I recommend: one for beginners, and then my own personal setup.

Starter Kit

Advanced Live Stream Setup

Hi! I’m Joe Casabona

I know what it feels like to struggle with your business. And without my podcast, I wouldn’t be self-employed.

As I prepared to leave my full time job, I had a false sense of security for how much work I thought would have. Then I launched my first podcast, and to my surprise, it became a great revenue generator. New work, new contacts, and sponsor money started coming in.
My business was saved!

Since then, I’ve launched a bunch of podcasts, for me and my clients, and I have the process down pat.

You deserve to have that process too.