The Summer

The GPO Building in Ireland Well, with Freshmen moving in today, the summer has officially ended. The summer of 2005 is definitely one to remember. While I worked hard in a job that I nor anyone else thought I’d ever have (construction), I did have a lot of fun. Some of the highlights include when I came to school for…


So I think im pretty much done with uploading Pictures of Ireland. If you want to see more, you can view them from my friends’ webshots- here and here. If I find any more in the multitude I have, Ill post them. In a related story, Jen (the second link) got pictures developed from the Galic (GAA) game we went…

The U2 Concert

The culmination of 2 weeks of fun, excitment and some boozing. 12 days after I arrive in Dublin Int’l Airport, 11 days after our first night out, 8 days after Sean’s party, 3 days after I saw the most beautiful country side, after months of waiting, I saw U2. And it was incredible. The stage, the lights, the energy. Bono…

I am back…

And there is a lot to talk about. The trip to Ireland was amazing, relaxing, and a lot of fun in general. It was a vacation as well as a retreat in some aspects. I had a good amount of time to myself to just think and clear my head. With no internet I wasn’t on the computer all that…

Ireland for 2 weeks….

That’s right, in a couple of hours I’ll be leaving for the fabulous Dublin, Ireland until the 27th. I will try to post and make updates (as well as keep up with the internet and all the sites I read), but the only think I can promise is lots of pics and stories when I return. So, Later!