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WordPress Database Encoding & the Case of Disappearing Widgets

Recently I was updating the widgets on my homepage to promote the new WP in One Month. I decided to do so with the logo and a caption, making Jetpack’s Image Widget the perfect candidate. I uploaded the logo, added a title, then copy and pasted the text from the website’s ‘Jumbotron’ area for the caption. I clicked ‘Save’ and something…


Add IE Conditionals to wp_enqueue_style

When creating a WordPress theme, it’s best practice to use wp_enqueue_style for adding all stylesheets, including style.css. At first glance, this can pose a challenge if you want to conditionally include CSS based on the browser (like IE-only styles, for example). Luckily, there is a quick way to do this in WordPress using $wp-styles: global $wp_styles; wp_enqueue_style( ‘jlc_ie_styles’,get_template_directory_uri() . ‘css/ie-style.css’,…


Fix wp_nav_menu on Custom Type Archives in WordPress

Recently I was working with an issue in WordPress where the site’s menu was not showing up on an archive page for one of my custom post types. There were a few troubleshooting things I tried, including the most common recommendation, use theme_location instead of menu when referencing the menu in your theme (code after the jump):


Add Attachments to WordPress Search Results

I feel like this has to have been done a lot, and there are great plugins out there for it, but if you’re just looking to add a quick function to your theme (or a really simple plugin) yourself, here’s how to modify WordPress’ search query to include attachments (like images). function attachment_search( $query ) { if ( $query->is_search ) {…

Quick Tip: Check to See if a Slug Exists in WordPress

Recently I was doing some work where I was importing RSS entries into a Custom Post Type in WordPress. Since there were no common IDs between the feed and WordPress, to prevent duplicate entries I tried comparing titles. This also proved to be an issue as titles aren’t always unique, and they weren’t in this case. I settled on comparing…