
100 Words 021

I will be doing a lot of writing this week. a lot of writing. WordCamp Scranton was over the weekend, so the last 2 weeks saw me immersed that. I was making sure the event went off without a hitch. It did. That means there were a great many things I didn’t get to do, including tons of blog posts. I have a list….


100 Words 020

Hello from 5:45am! I’m working from Coalwork this morning, starting at 4am we opened up shop with Ryan Leckey from WNEP to promote WordCamp Scranton! While it’s super early (especially since I went to bed around 11:30pm), it’s very cool that they’d come down to do some spots with us. It’s also really interesting to see how things work from…


100 Words 019

An interesting thing is happening to me. about 8 years ago, I swore Macs were terrible machines. I would never buy one. 7 years ago I bought one. Further, I haven’t purchased a PC since, and have only used one minimally. 8 years ago, the iPhone came out. I swore it was a terrible phone. Once Android phones came out, I told myself I…


100 Words 018

NASA just released photos of Pluto. Honest to goodness, “Look we can actually see stuff on the surface” photos, from a space craft that launched in January of 2006. I was still in college and knew very little about anything. We sent a camera 3 billion miles into space to take pictures of a thing we knew existed but never…


100 Words 017

I took a few days off from this and most things online. I checked in once a day but didn’t spend too much time in front of the computer – I’m on vacation at the beach. It seemed wrong. I did get a TON of reading done. I finished 3 books in the span of 4 days, which is some…

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100 Words 016

I’m at the beach this week with Erin’s family, arriving here on Fenwick Island, DE in the late afternoon yesterday. While I do have to work today, I have the next couple of days off. One of the benefits of working remotely 🙂 Erin, her brother, and I woke up early (5am!) to go for a run on the beach….


100 Words 015

This past weekend was the Fourth of July and I inadvertently took the weekend off by not spending much time at the computer. Instead I spent it with family and friends, traveling and enjoying the mostly beautiful weather. It was nice. I was recently asked what’s the longest I’ve ever gone without a computer. During the Summer of 2004, I went to…


100 Words 014

There’s drama in the WordPress community today, which happens about monthly seeming on the last day of the work week. Today’s is about being polite when shooting people down. This tweet by friend & instigator Ryan Duff is a good starting point. https://twitter.com/ryancduff/status/616583733861351424 The problem is many coders think: They are smarter than everyone. Everyone should know what they know. During…


100 Words 013

I missed yesterday’s post so today might be a two-for. As a short followup to a blog post I made a few weeks ago regarding the iPhone, I was convinced to use it a little longer. I have gotten used to the phone a bit and have noticed some improvements along the way. It seems iOS 8.3 has added something…


100 Words 012

Writing is hard! Sure, knocking out 100 words here and there about some topic is relatively easy, but I mean really writing. Over the weekend I wrote a 3000+ word article for a publication that I’ll be able to announce later this summer. It took me the better part of a working day to do it. Here’s why. It’s not just, “write.”…