
Xbox Marketplace gets better

One of the selling points of the Xbox 360 was free access to the Xbox Marketplace, where you could download game demos, new levels, trailers, etc. This is called the “Silver Package” on Live. Since November 22nd 2006, one year after the 360 came out, you could also download TV and Movies (available in HD as well). You use Microsoft…


Fight Night: Round 3

I tried to find a screen shot that showcased the sheer awesomeness of the Fight Night Round 3 graphics. This was the best I could do. I assure you it looks better. Fight Night is a boxing game, which I am a pretty big fan of since playing Knock Out Kings 2002. Fight Night, however, is infinitely better than Knock…

Waiting for Xbox

Pictured is My Xbox. The one that I waited 14 hours on line outside of Best Buy for. You see, the plan was to go to Wal Mart 5 hours before the release (7pm). I get there, and the line is full. They only got 15. So I went to Best Buy. At 7:30pm, for the 9am release. And waited….

Why I’m getting an Xbox 360

Many people have asked me why I am [fully intending on] getting Xbox 360 when it comes out on Tuesday. “It looks like Xbox with better graphics.” Sure it does- it is. But is it also so much more. But, for argument’s sake, let’s start with the graphics You see, the graphics aren’t just better. They are better than graphics…



Remeber that post where i read the article Halo could make $75 mill on opening day. Well, that was a little off…by like $50 Million. Halo sold $125 Million worth of copies in the first day, which is about 2,500,000 copies, shattering any video game, music or movie record that was out there. And Let me tell you, It is…


Halo 2

Halo 2 could make $75 million in 24 hours. That is a staggering amount. I for one, will be contributing to that $75 Mill, as I have reserved my copy at Wal*Mart. It is likely you guys wont be seeing me for a while b/c i will be locked in my room battling the covanent on Earth. This game is…