
Validate an Idea With an Email Form

If you’re anything like me, you get super excited about an idea and want to build it right away. But I’m here to tell you that’s not the best way to spend your precious time.

Spend some time validating an idea so you don’t waste time executing a bad one. I know this from experience.

“Oh, it shouldn’t take too long to code this project…probably just a weekend.” Then you actually have to market it.

But if you were only willing to spend two days making it, how much time are you actually willing to spend marketing it?

IF you really want to scratch that itch, don’t spend a weekend. Spend an hour setting up a presale form. Presell the product (course, ebook, whatever). Actual money is a great form of validation.

Even if you want to presell at first, create an email list pitching the idea. “Sign up here to be the first to know.” Then you can spend your time nurturing that list, gathering feedback, and understanding if it’s something worth making.

As Bill Gates said, you can always make more money. Time is the only thing you can’t get back. So spend it wisely.

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