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Good Design

Mike over at Mike Industries recently wrote about a site that has poor design. It has sparked a lot of discussion. Most are saying that it is bad and they should have hired a professional. However some are playing devil’s advocate, saying that ‘it’s getting them attention, right?’

As a web developer, I am often faced with stuff like this, and I am here to say that though they are getting the attention that maybe they wanted, it probably is not getting the business they wanted. Whenever I am designing something for a new client, I always, always tell them that the website is a reflection of how they run their business and their business’s image. I gave this example in the comments for that post:

A business is represented by its presentation. If this store was in the slums of some run down city with a crooked sign and paint peeling, I have a feeling you wouldn’t go in there, because they don’t care about their appearance. It is the same with any website. If the website does not look good, the user will get the idea that this is the way they run their business: half assed and something that just gets the job done. And if that is how their business is represented how do they feel about their products?

And it is not just design, but content. If a site is too cluttered, they are trying to throw too much in your face at once. People do not want to read a cluttered website. Websites do not need 100 bells and whistles for attention. It should have a nice looking design that makes them stand out (not something that looks the same as everyone else) and a good balance of text and images. The discussion on Mike’s page is bringing up a lot of good points, all of which you can read here. Later!

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