
Trying Out Due for Important Reminders

I’m experimenting with the Due app for iOS. What makes it interesting is the persistent reminders — which will repeat until you mark the task complete.

I started using it for crucial medications for my kids (usually amoxicillin, the miracle drug that apparently cures most common kid ailments), and decided to expand it to things I want to make sure I do.

I want to try to use it judiciously. Right now I have 3 task managers:

  1. Things 3 for projects and most business related tasks
  2. Reminders for most home/family relates tasks, shopping lists, and anything my wife and I need to share
  3. And now Due for nagging reminders.

We’ll see how it goes. If it works well for a limited set of tasks, I can see myself use it for forcing certain habits, like working out, writing, journaling, or anything else I really want to make sure I do.

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