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Make Twitter Work for You


I’ve noticed lately a lot of my friends joining Twitter, the very popular micro blogging site. I feel like (and this is by all means non-scientific) interest peaked when Facebook rolled out it’s new design, people called it, “a lot like Twitter” and others got curious. The number one comment about Twitter I’m hearing/reading now is, “I don’t get it.” So to all my friends and those new to Twitter, here’s how you can make Twitter work for you.

The first thing you need to know is that Twitter is a communication tool. You can use it however you want. I describe it to people like this:

You know the status update feature in Facebook? It’s like that- but only that.

The people I describe it to have a hard time finding the use in just that, so here are a few suggestions:

  • Follow people in your profession. This might be easier for me because I am a web developer, but if you know big names in the business you happen to be in, see if  they are on Twitter. They usually post interesting links, thoughts, and tips that can be very helpful to you.
  • Stay on top of the news. I follow CNN News Breaks via Twitter, and have Twitter txt message me when CNN updates, so I get breaking news as soon as it happens. Here is a pretty good list of news organizations on Twitter. Chances are you’re favorite one is also on Twitter, even if it’s not listed there.
  • Stay in the loop with companies and organization you like. Twitter is quickly becoming a services companies are using to advertise and reach new markets. This is most apparent with Skittles, but can be seen by other companies too. Try a Google Search of your favorite companies to see what you can find.
  • Straw Polls. Ask a question, people are bound to answer you.
  • Celebs. I won’t hide the fact that I follow both Shaq and John Mayer on Twitter. They are entertaining, and it’s interesting to get a peek into the lives of people that seem like they are in a completely different world from yours. Here is a list of more celebrities on Twitter.
  • Third Party Services. Twitter was smart in making it so developers can access what they have to provide. This has spawned a number of 3rd Party services that extend what Twitter can do. Check out some of them here or simply google “Twitter Apps.”

And this is a short list- like I said, Twitter is a communication tool. People are coming up with more apps and ideas for Twitter everyday, and it’s being integrated into more and more well established websites and services.

If you’re interested, my Twitter username is @jcasabona. Feel free to follow.

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