Pirates of the Carribean: At World’s End

Pirates III

Another highly anticipated summer film. And in my humble opinion, another disappointment. Pirates, much like Spiderman, had some great parts. But for the most part, it was a film that was built up really high, and which did not deliver. Some spoilers follow.

We are left with Jack Sparrow in Davey Jones’ Locker, and Capitan Barbosa is back to get him. Why? Because the pirates of the world are in trouble, “the song” has been sung, and Jack is needed as a holder of one of the ‘nine pieces of eight.’ We are off to an alright start, except we don’t know what the song is about, what the nine piece are about, and we kind of have a new reason Jack needs to be rescued, if memory serves me correctly. I find with this film, not much is explained. There is just action, some comedy, more action. Pirates should not be that kind of film. Especially since this is a three hour continuation of another three hour film. The length of the film is my first problem.

The movie was too long. There could have been numerous pointless parts thrown out to shorten it, or to extend other parts that needed it. There was a part about the goddess Calypso that was extremely drawn out and amounted to nothing. The entire film we are told about how Calypso will sway the major fight in one way or another. Finally she is freed and she has a moment with Davey Jones, then just kind of goes away. That’s a lot of build up for nothing. And that is my second problem with the film.

The film hypes up a lot of things that turn out to be nothing. Will and Elizabeth fight. Nothing happens. The Calypso situation. Everything that happens with the Brits. The governor getting killed. That should have been expanded on a little more. And then we see new characters, like Jack’s dad (played by Keith Richards), and we think something great is going to happen. He is in the movie for a total of 5 minutes. We don’t even learn about him. He just kind of pops in to say hi. Lack of character development is my last major complaint.

It’s not just with Jack’s dad. It’s with Calypso, and even Davey Jones. And Bootstrap Bill. All of the supporting characters really. We get virtually no development in some new major characters. My brother put it best when he said all of the writers went to different rooms, wrote their own movie, and threw them all together. There was a lot going on. But it was almost a lot of nothing.

I really wanted to like the film. The first one was great. The second one was good too. But this was a pretty weak attempt to live up to the self made hype and inside jokes of the last two films.

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