Spiderman III

Spiderman and Venom

The build up was great. Spiderman III- an older, more mature Peter Parker. Harry following the footsteps of his father. A new villan. The Venom suit. How could this possibly get messed up? Apparently in a lot of ways. While Spiderman III had some good parts (really good parts), the movie over all was an utter disappointment.

The Spiderman Template: Peter goes through a change. He loses who he ‘really is.’ He fights an epic battle where at least one person finds out his identity. The villan either dies or has a change of heart or both. Peter does change… Let’s see if III fits the mold.

Change/Loss of Self
Venom suit takes him over. He loses himself and finds a meaner spirited, more selfish version of himself. He loses MJ because she doesn’t know who he is. Again.

Click to read Spolier

Epic Battle
Peter and Harry vs. Sandman and Venom. Honestly, a pretty bad ass battle. Peter of course loses his mask. Sandman has a change of heart and JUST LEAVES. Venom is destroyed. Peter realizes he needs to be less selfish and MJ and him are back together in the end.

Now I try to be forgiving with some lame/cliche parts in comic book movies because that is their nature. But this movie was full of them. First off, everyone cries. EVERYONE. That is not necessary in a comic book movie. I know the director, Sam Ramini, wanted to be prolific and deep, but Spiderman doesn’t really serve that purpose. And then there is the “wise” butler. Michael Kane was an awesome Alfred in Batman Begins. That’s because Kane is an awesome actor. But also, we know the relationship between Bruce and Alfred. Who is Harry’s butler? There was no re pore developed in the other movies. There was also a lack of development in this movie, as well as just useless parts.

Towards the beginning Harry gets a head injury and forgets why he is mad at Peter/Spiderman. I feel like this was just a machine to cause more drama than needed. The worst part of the movie, however, was Peter when the Venom suit took him over. The Venom suit is supposed to be bad ass. Make Peter cool, but evil. However, the suit just made him a emo, almost edgy/cool guy, but still clearly a nerd. And the lameness of this went on for half an hour.

Don’t get me wrong with this movie- The visual effects were stunning. The battles were cool. But Ramini should have focused more on the story than making the movie look cool, because ultimately that’s what makes a good movie.

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