Sin City- 4.9/5

Wow- what a great film. I heard rave reviews about it and felt the need to go see it. So last night, I did- and from the opening scene I was blown away. First of all- there was an all star cast- Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba, Elijah Wood, Clive Owen (King Aurther), Benicio del Toro, Brittany Murphy, and Alexis Bledel(of Gilmore Girls fame) to name a few. Ill put it out there right now- besides the all star cast, some of the acting was ehh. Just some. But the cinematography was amazing. The colorings were the same as in the comic. The movie was incredibly similar to the comic- and I think that is because Frank Miller, who wrote it, also co-directed the movie. It was comic book movie/ old 1950’s detective work. Voice overs, the music, the fact that the movie was for the most part in black and white. The movie is immursive- you really feel like you are there. The story line- there is this City- Basin City- where there is also A LOT of violence. The movie focuses on 3 different stories at 3 different times. The first and last one follow the same character and the same story line, and happened first. The other 2 are up for grabs as to when they happened- around the same time presumably. But- Basin City- Crime runs this city- but you’ve got your heroes too. And then there are the ones who will do bad things for a good cause. This is where one character- Marv – comes in. He may have been the show stealer for me. You can tell, without a back story, that the man has been through a lot. The last thing he wants to do is avenge the death of someone who showed him kindness. And he goes through hell. Hartigan- played by Wilis- is our hero. A good cop facing retirement. This man also goes through hell trying to protect someone- an innocent girl- Nancy Callahan- age 9. The 3rd character is Dwight- played by Owen. At the end, the stories don’t really tie together, but become linked by a character or 2. The movie- like I said- is really well done. i suggest you go see it. Later.

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