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Safe Social Media: Facebook

To continue the Safe Social Media Series, today I’ll be talking about Facebook. Facebook’s ever changing platform caters to millions of people worldwide, is the 3rd most used site (behind Google and Yahoo!), is the number one social networking site in users and traffic, and is the number one place to share photos. Facebook connects people. Therefore, where Twitter is…

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Safe Social Media Series

Inspired by this article on CNN, I’ll be doing a four part series about security and social media. The topics will all revolve around the dos and donts of your social media profiles- specifically for students and employees. I’ll be covering proper management of Twitter, Facebook, and your own blog. I’ll wrap up with some miscellaneous sites and practices.


Useful Sites for Mobile Web

I remember a time where PDAs and smart phones were a sign of status- you were either a business man or a tech geek. Now smartphones and internet enabled phones are as ubiquitous as the air we breath (you like that?). As someone who spends a lot of time on the mobile web (or the web in general), I thought…

Facebook for Blackberry

About a week ago I downloaded the new Facebook for Blackberry application by RIM. The app allows you to get notifications on wall posts, messages, pokes, friend requests, etc. right to your blackberry in a nice, clean interface. Overall, I think the app is really nice. I’m a bit of a Facebook addict, partially because I do business through it,…


Scrubs Quotes App

I don’t do too many things on a whim, but the other night when I saw a group dedicated to having a Scrubs Quotes Facebook application developed, I couldn’t help myself. As a big fan of Scrubs, as well as a developer, I thought I might try my hand at it. I tinkered a little with Facebook apps and it…


Facebook as a Business Model

It’s no secret that I am a big fan of Facebook. They have a niche user base, their application is clean, easy to use, and has numerous built-in features. Now with the new Facebook Apps, people can add basically any feature they want to Facebook, assuming the can develop or know a developer. This has led me to think about…


New Facebook Features

It’s been a short while, and I apologize for that. Right now it is crunch time in school with the end of the semester, and my primary laptop’s hard drive bombed on me (the third to do so on me, on as many computers). Right now I am on the back-up, which is not as good, which is making me…

New Facebook Fun

For all the people out there with Facebook, an online social site for college and now high school students all across America, it got some new features. CollegeV2 has an extensive write up on it here, but I wanted to add my 2 cents in. First is the Facebook API. An API is an “Application Programming Interface,” which basically amounts…