
Learn a Programming Language

Over at LifeHacker, they are hosting a spirited discussion on what the programming language to learn first is. I think this is a pretty interesting discussion to have and want to comment on what the others are saying, as well as justify my stance. First of all, I did weigh in, saying: I’d say if you’re not going to be…


On Writing Email

Email correspondence is my normal and most practiced form of communication because of the convenience for both parties. It allows you to quickly send a message to someone and know (in most cases) they will get it the next time they check their inbox. I feel it’s also better than instant messaging or phone conversations in some instances because it…

Random Thoughts

I’ve had a number of random thoughts this morning. So instead of flooding Twitter, I thought I’d just post them here. iTunes smart lists are really cool Color-Schemeing (new term) is pretty hard for me. Luckily there is this website. Mac’s way to print a selection is excellent, very intuitive, and user friendly. I still can’t get over how awesome…

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The Switch: Week 2

About 10 days in and I am enjoying my Mac experience more and more. I don’t know if it was just the hardware, but going onto my brother’s Windows machine I realized how slow everything really is. In defense of Windows though, the computer is a Dell. The past 10 days using this computer has been pretty great and I’ve…


Since the Giants last made it to the Super Bowl

Since 2000, the last time the Giants made it to the Super Bowl I’ve… Learned how to develop websites Started and stopped playing drums Gone to my first concert Gone to over 50 other concerts Started my own business Graduated High School Gone to Ireland Totaled a car Held five different jobs Graduated College Started my Masters in Software Engineering…

2007 in Review

My year-in-review post comes a few days early this year because tomorrow I leave for DC to meet up with some college friends for a weekend long New Year’s Eve celebration. It seems every year in this post I say how it’s been a benchmark year, and it’s usually not the case. Yes, I picked up some new skills here…

Rubik’s Cube

Towards the beginning of the semester (thank God it’s over), my friend Jenn was showing me how to solve the Rubik’s Cube- something I never was and still am not able to do. Last night another friend of mine got me one for Christmas and I have more or less been thinking about it non-stop. I know there are countless…

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A List Apart Web Design Survey

Last week, popular web development website A List Apart (ALA) released the results of it’s 2007 Web Design Survey. I’ve spent the last few days reading over the 82 page document and found a good amount of the results interesting. Over 80% of the respondents were White Males 48% came from the USA When asked if they were excited by…