Favorites of 2023

It’s time for my 15th annual Favorites post. It’s always fun reviewing my old favorites, seeing how the picks have evolved, and realizing how much more verbose I’ve gotten in describing them. One notable change — I’ve added “Video Game.” This might be ephemeral, as I don’t play video games SUPER often, but this year, there’s definitely one. OK…let’s get…

Favorites of 2022

The end of the year is always a fun time for me to reflect on many things and look forward to what’s coming. 2022 is even more special because it’s the year I left web development to focus on podcasting full-time. As part of that, I like to review my favorite tech and media from the past year. I’ve been…

Favorites of 2021

It’s time for my favorites of 2021. As a refresher, at the end of the year, I like to list my favorite technology pics (gadget, app, and thing I learned), as well as media pics (book, movie, music, TV show, and podcast). This year was especially good!

Favorites of 2020

This is my 7th Annual Favorites Post. At some point I guess I should starting the posts like that! If you’re new here, I like to recap my favorite tech and media picks for the past year. I try to have them come out close to the year they’re picked, but that’s not always the case. It might just be the year I consumed them, or the year they got popular, as you’ll see with my gadget pick! Let’s get to it.

Favorites of 2019

Hey it’s my favorite time of year! With this post I’ve now been doing “Favorites” post for 5 years, which is neat. At this point I have a good process down and I’ve been keeping notes so as to not fall victim to recency bias. Huzzah! Let’s get to it.

Favorites of 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, it’s time for what’s become my favorite post of the year. I like looking back at the things I’ve invested in and spent time on. This year feels special to me because on top of it being my first full year in business, I spent a lot time automating processes and improving my workflows…

Favorites of 2017

It’s that time of year again! This has quickly become my favorite post to write, because it lets me reflect on the year and think about all of the good things I’ve enjoyed. Last year I started a new blog over on Medium, mostly to test out the platform. I think I came in shy of a post per month,…

Favorites of 2016

It’s time for one of my favorite annual posts: my Favorites of the year. I usually start with some information on how my year went, but I had a lot more to say this year. I started a new blog with the first post being 2016 Sucked. But don’t worry – The title is tongue-in-cheek. I hope you like reading it as much…


Favorites of 2015

2015 has been an interesting year for me. It’s my last year as a single man, I’ve launched a couple of side projects, traveled around a bit, and challenged myself a lot! I’m happy to say I’ll continue to do that and so much more in 2016! But for now, here are my favorites for another year 🙂


Favorites of 2014

Another year has come and gone which means it’s time for another list of favorites. It’s been a great year personally; I started a new job and got engaged, traveled a bunch and made a lot of new friends. There were also a whole lot of great movies, media, and tech. Here are my favorites.