
What are You Passionate About?

I was having a conversation with a friend recently that lead me to ask myself that very question. I’ve written about passion on occasion and have a general idea of what I’m passionate about, but the question struck me differently this time. I think it’s because the question wasn’t asked of me outright. It was posed this way: …find something you…


Smoking Cigars with my Grandfather

I guess this is technically my first cigar. This past June was the 8th anniversary of 2 significant events in my life: My grandfather (Pop, pictured above circa 1989) passed away. I started smoking cigars. I thought about this while I was walking around my back patio last Friday, in silence, smoking a cigar. It reminded me of an iconic scene [in my mind]…


What Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds Broadcast tells us about Media Today

Img src: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLOr4RyuT6E Have you heard of Today I Found Out? It’s one of my new favorite YouTube channels, and the folks there put out great content 6–7 times a week. They are great videos about a wide variety of topics from history, to medicine, to science fiction. Today I came across this one, called The War of the Worlds…


Reading Update: The Expectant Father

I finished reading the first of my 2 January Reading books on Friday: The Expectant Father. It’s a book that touts being the “ultimate guide for Dads-to-be” and as a Dad-to-be that knew very little about the role, I really appreciated how thorough it was. It takes the pregnancy month-by-month, telling you what’s going on with Mom, the baby, and possibly…


Some Thoughts on Fake News that You’ll Never Believe!

Man. I don’t feel good about that click baity headline. But maybe it caught your attention. It must have since you’re reading. Earlier today I wrote a bit of a tweetstorm about the state of fake news and how to combat it. Truth be told, I don’t think there is a way to stop it. But more on that later. Fake News…